
Rhapsody will take you into a fantastical, whimsical venue inspired by 8 genres of music as well as a beautiful central area where we’ll host live DJs and musicians to add to your experience.

Read more about Rhapsody on their blog. It opens at noon slt.

Inspired by vintage Jazz clubs, Kuro presents:

Kuro - Corner stage Kuro - Jazz microphone Kuro - Spotlight Kuro - Jazz neon figure Kuro - Jazz neon gramophone Kuro - Jazz neon saxophone Kuro - Jazz table Kuro - Jazz table lamp Kuro - Jazz chair (leather) Kuro - Jazz chair (suede) Kuro - Jazz corner bench (leather) Kuro - Jazz corner bench (suede) Kuro - Jazz wall bench (Leather) Cuddles Kuro - Jazz wall bench (Leather) Singles Kuro - Jazz wall bench (Suede) Cuddles Kuro - Jazz wall bench (Suede) Singles

at Level Up…

A new event hits the grid today! Level Up, a new quarterly sales event with unique themes based upon video game genres! You can find more info about it on their official page right here.

From Kuro, this is what you can find at the venue:

Kuro - Tire chair Kuro - Tire stool Kuro - RACE gacha